Corporate Participation in Social Activities
Corporate Social Responsibility widely termed as CSR is about business giving back to society.
There are a number of ways through which corporate can help the under privileged in the society. Business houses can help the less privileged children and adults at Udavum Karangal by:
- contributing towards building construction, funding for the infrastructure facilities, purchase of vehicles etc.
- providing matching contribution: Corporate houses can match the contributions made by their employees to Udavum Karangal
- Payroll giving: Business organizations can help us by motivating to deduct a nominal amount from each of its employees who are in their payroll every month and donating the same to us.
- Underwriting the cost: Business houses can bear the cost of printing office stationeries for our institution thus underwriting our cost. They can also sponsor printing of our pamphlets and appeals and thus get free publicity, as these pamphlets will be reaching lakhs of people every year.